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The high-level task structure which forms the interior of the
control supertask is shown in Figure 30. The
phrase packer grabs words and markers from the augmented text
created by SARTrE. When a phrase boundary is discovered (such as a
period, a question mark, or a comma), the packer sends the phrase to
the sentence processor supertask.
That supertask returns a conceptual entity which represents the meaning of the original
phrase. This is then passed on to the other two primary supertasks,
scenario comprehension and story structure comprehension.
In addition, the tasks of focus control and suspension
of disbelief are given the
conceptual entity. These two tasks manage the control of processing which
the system is undertaking.
They make decisions based on the current
state of comprehension and then inform the other supertasks via
suggestions, anticipations, expectations, and requests. They also
take in these four control messages from the other supertasks in order
to manage some of the inter-supertask
In addition, the interest management task acts to
modify the depth of reading based on the current interest
the ISAAC system has in the text being presented to it.
Finally, the inspector task is responsible for
keeping track of the activity of the system, including
which supertasks are being called upon, what information
is being discovered by the elements of the system, and
what control messages are being passed. This information
contributes to the meta-reasoning trace being built
Figure 30:
Control supertask breakdown
Not all of these tasks are built to the same level of
sophistication. In particular, the interest
management is primitive when compared to the others.
Although the theory does make some claims about
interest-driven comprehension, this aspect of the
process was not the focus of my research. As a result,
the interest management task is limited--ISAAC is
primarily interested in things which it has recently been reasoning
about. It is also interested in answering the questions which
arise during processing a story; i.e., the control messages
which are generated. In terms of the ISAAC model, then,
interest represents a high-level goal which the system
creates and then acts towards satisfying. The
remaining tasks are implemented to a much higher
degree of ability. However, note that the modular design
of the system would allow a ``better'' interest management
system to be substituted into the model if one was developed, in
much the same fashion as COMPERE and MOORE were used in my
Next: Memory
Up: Processing
Previous: Processing
Kenneth Moorman