Ubuntu 14 Instructions
WARNING: The pre-packaged installer does not handle RAID well. GParted does. If partitioning is necessary, try it on live and use GParted to partition prior to installing using the below steps.
1. Select "English"
2. Select "Install Ubuntu"
3. Select "Install this Third Party Software" and "Download Updates while Installing"
4. Wait
5. IF NO OTHER OPERATING SYSTEMS: Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu.
5b. IF OTHER OSes: Something else - Select a drive; set to ext3, mountpoint: /, install.
6. Where are you? New York. 7. English, English (US)
8. Your name: Lab - Pick a username: lab - Password: qazzaq - Do not encrypt home folder.
Restart now.
- SSH does not come preinstalled in Ubuntu 14! You *must* go to the machine and physically log in as lab to do: - apt-get install ssh - Reboot - You still can't ssh in as root.
Setting up root SSH
- sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config - PermitRootLogin no -> PermitRootLogin yes - sudo service ssh restart
Removing the 'lab' generic account
- ssh lab@ipaddress - sudo su - - passwd root (set the current root password) - exit - exit