Ubuntu 8
Installation and Configuration
Installation i386 (32-bit)
- Download and burn the latest Ubuntu Server-Edition LTS ISO for i386 (8.04.3 used for these instructions)
- Boot from CD
Installation x86_64 (64-bit)
- Download and burn the latest Ubuntu Server-Edition LTS ISO for x86_64 (amd64) (8.04.3 used for these instructions)
- Boot from CD
Installation (both 32 and 64 bit)
- Select "English"
- Select "Install Ubuntu Server"
- Select "English"
- Select "United States"
- Detect keyboard layout -> NO
- Select "USA"
- Select "USA"
- !!! It will now attempt to use DHCP.. cancel this or select "Go Back" on the following screen
- Select "Configure network manually"
- Enter the IP address of the workstation. Ex:
- Enter the Netmask of ""
- Enter the Gateway of ""
- Enter the Nameservers ""
- Hostname: Set the FQDN of the machine as the hostname. Ex: clarke.cs.transy.edu
- Select "Eastern" time zone
Partitioning (Single Disk)
- Select the "Manual" method
- Use the arrow keys to highlight the disk (usually sda) and press enter
- Confirm the dialog to create a new empty partition table.
- Select the "FREE SPACE" and press enter.
- Create the following partitions:
- (TotalSpace - 2 GB), primary, mountpoint: /, use as: ext3, options: bootable
- 2 GB, logical, use as: swap
- Select "Finish Partitioning" and write the changes to disk
Partitioning (Software RAID 1)
Finish Up
- Full name for new user: lab
- Username for your account: lab
- Password: lab (this user will be deleted later)
- Verify Password
- Leave the HTTP proxy box empty and select "Continue"
- Note: If it freezes "Scanning the mirror" unplug and replug the ethernet cable once.
- Software to install: Select "OpenSSH server" and select "Continue"
- The system will finish configuring and ask you to "Continue" before it reboots.
Configuration (via SSH)
- This section is done via SSH as a convenience for installing multiple systems.. but can be done from the keyboard.
- ssh lab@HOST.cs.transy.edu
- sudo su -
- passwd root (set the current root password)
- exit
- exit
- ssh root@HOST.cs.transy.edu
- userdel lab
- rm -rf /home/lab
- Transfer or enter the following into /etc/apt/sources.list:
- 32-bit:
deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-i386/ hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-i386/ hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-i386/ hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
#deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-i386/ hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
#deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-i386/ hardy-proposed main restricted universe multivers
- 64-bit:
deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-amd64/ hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-amd64/ hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-amd64/ hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
#deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-amd64/ hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
#deb http://babbage.cs.transy.edu/ubuntu-amd64/ hardy-proposed main restricted universe multivers